Cousins July 2013
We have all loved being home this summer. Its been relaxing and filled with time with family and traveling. Mai and Thomas have grown up so much and have really enjoyed all this time together. Thomas has learned how to play with Mailande and loves copying her. He sits on the couch and pretends to read, chases her around the furniture, and they LOVE to jump on and off the bed. The black and white picture, they were jumping and Mai stopped and tackled Thomas for a hug. I just happened to be ready with my camera. They are so sweet! I will miss their sweet faces when I go back to work and I know that they will miss spending so much time with each other.Thomas is 17 months and starting to find his "voice". He is beginning to use more words and is quickly picking up sign language. He says "mama", "dada", "milk", "yea", "au revoir", and lots of other things that only we can understand. He proudly does his signs and thinks that when they are used he should be rewarded immediately. He signs "please", "milk", "all done", and "more".
Mai has turned into a princess this summer. For her birthday Aunt D and J gave her all their old princess dresses and Mai has worn one every. single. day this summer. She has also discovered Disney movies and loves to coordinate her dress with her movie of choice. Thomas on the other hand only wants to watch Mickey Moucse ("Mo Mo").
Mai went to the dentist this month. Dentist says teeth look great but to save up because she'll need braces one day. Unfortunately, Mai was a little too nervous for her cleaning, so it was just a lap visit to get comfortable. January we try again and can hopefully get a cleaning to scrape off all that yucky staining from antibiotics and fluoride.