Friday, May 25, 2012

Mai in the Kitchen

Now that Mommy is back at work, Mai has taken over the role in the kitchen.
Her favorite dishes include the following:
* spicy chocolate
* tea
* coffee
hot, cold, and warm soup

Ma's House

 Mai enjoyed playing with a playhouse that my grandma bought for my cousin, Chris, when he was Mai's age (36 years ago). All the cousins and now kids have played with this house and dolls.
 4 generations
Thomas playing (3months)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to Work Catchup

 Mai turned two and we celebrated by riding the choo choo at the mall.
 Relaxing on the patio after a long day at work.
 Mai and T - Best buddies
 Mai testing out Baby Audrey's baby blankie (made by me).
 Fat man playing on the jungle mat.
 I love my babies!
 Babies snuggling with T's new blankie from Aunt Judy.
 Mother's Day at the Zoo - feeding giraffes
Mommy and 3 month old Thomas

Mai 2 years: 34inches and 23lb 9 ounces
Thomas 2 months: 24.5inches and 13lb 3 ounces

Matt & Erin get married

Happy 2nd Birthday!